Hearts` beats...
let me travel through your whispers` love..
let me delve into your adorable doze...
let me be the poetic hero of your dreams...
let me see a life, through your eyes` sight...
let me be the lover into your heart...
the lover who wants to be always so close...
closer to your soul than yourself...
sweet honey...
want to pass this life with you...
travel with you, through you...
and inside you...
heart by heart so close...
hand by hand, never to be apart...
soul by soul, creates a great love...
great story of love no one ever heard about...
body by body, melts and translates that love...
and make that dream come true...
do you really want me to be...
the lover and the hero of your heart...
are you sure...
yes you are, i am sure of this..
so, ...
let me travel into your life with you...
close your eyes and feel me..
listen to your hearts` beats..
translate it with ears` love..
realize what it says...
says, i love you...
[email protected]
hazem al jaber